Submission to the GMTK Game Jam 2023.

Cluck Hunt is a roles-reversed dodge-the-bullet game that puts a spin on the world-famous game – Duck Hunt, where instead of taking the bird down with a clean shot, you ARE the bird. It utilizes simple cursor movement that allows the player to move their main character, the chicken, Cluckles. The main goal of the game is to survive as long as you can as the bullets start to get faster, more accurate, and simply more dangerous.

Cluckles the Chicken is a proud husband to his dear wife Hennifer. The couple is expecting and are currently awaiting the hatching of their newborns at the Harrington farm. However, things take a turn for the unexpected as a new arrival to the house stirs up a storm of trouble in the form of a feline named Rory. The cat gets his eye on the chickens and their eggs and immediately gets an appetite for supper. Faced with no other option, Cluckles sets up a stronghold outside his coop and puts himself on the front line to protect his wife and children. He and Rory meet at the brink of dawn for a showdown like no other

Cluck Hunt is an Endless Dodger (Endless Runner) type of game that puts a spin on the classic gameplay loop of Duck Hunt, by reversing the roles and making it so that the player is the victim and is tasked with dodging the bullets. 
The primary loop of the game consists of the player dodging bullets as they get quicker, more accurate, and more deadly. The more you avoid, the higher score you get. 

Abhyuday Chauhan(PHAST)
Abhinav Thakur(Romo)
Rohan Saxena(Ichigo_711)
Biswadeep Bhattacharjee(Biswa_29)
EJL Jaithra(Jaithra_Eswari)


Cluck Hunt.rar 36 MB

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